Séminaires &Team Building

Talk about your hotel

Use this text to share information about your hotel with your guests. Describe your rooms, share special offers, or share your latest news.

Amenities block

A picture is worth a thousand words. Use this space to focus on the thing which make you great.

Amenities block

A picture is worth a thousand words. Use this space to focus on the thing which make you great.

billiard baby-foot salle de jeux detente

salle sport musculation physique gîte Bourgogne

pétanque jardin paisible détente relaxant vacance

salle projection gîte repos relaxation

salle jeux bowling ping-pong basketball détente

espace vie cheminée détente gîte

Vindihouses - Le Domaine Des Ducs

5/3 Avenue du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, Le Moulin des Ducs, Epinac, 71360, France

Title of your text

This space allows you to inform travelers on the theme of your choice. And if you said more about the city of your hotel and activities to do around? You can choose to put a text describing the hotel itself and express the service and care you can bring to your guests.